Feel-Good Wealth

Feel good that your bank never directly lends money to the fossil fuel industry.

Climate Action

The most important environmental issue facing us is climate change. We use money for good and have offset our emissions to zero and don’t directly invest in the fossil fuels industry.

The health of the environment, in particular the climate, has never been more concerning to people all around the world.

And far too often, money used unethically has been a motive and cause of environmental damage.

But money also has the power to make a positive change in the world. And you also have the power to use your money to play a part in that change.

We take action on climate change and don’t source money from, or directly lend to, the fossil fuel industry.

So you can bank on us for a wealthy and healthy future - for yourself, the community and our planet.

What we do

  • We invest your money responsibly under strict rules.
  • We take action on climate change and don’t source money from, or directly lend to, the fossil fuel industry.
  • Joining our bank means you align your money with your values – at no extra cost.
  • Every mortgage and deposit account we sell is independently certified as a Responsible Investment at no extra cost
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Our approach to socially responsible banking