Women’s Financial Empowerment podcast series

We take a deep dive into practical ways women can build their financial wellbeing and score some big financial goals.

Women's Financial Empowerment

Welcome to Women’s Financial Empowerment, the podcast series brought to you by Health Professionals Bank. Join financial coach Betsy Westcott and host Nichole Banks, Chief Marketing Officer at Health Professionals Bank. In this series, learn about the distinct challenges women face when it comes to money, and discover ways to plan and compensate for those hurdles.

All Episodes

Episode 1

Introducing Women’s Financial Empowerment

Episode 1

We discuss why women need to look after their financial wellbeing, the gender pay gap problem, and the fact women retire with an average of $136,000 less in their super. 

Episode 1

Everyday money

Episode 2

Since saving can be harder for women than men, we show you what to do about it. Learn how to use online tools to set up your budget and set a SMART savings goal.

Episode 1

Work and money

Episode 3

Raising a family can affect our career trajectory, what we earn, and how much we have in our super – because working casually, on contract or part-time can put teachers behind the eight-ball. 

Episode 1

Money and relationships

Episode 4

We uncover the myths and traps around money in relationships, the risks and benefits of shared accounts, how to start money conversations with your partner, and how to make those conversations productive. 

Episode 1

Financial abuse in relationships

Episode 5

We discuss what to do when a relationship is no longer healthy, including the red flags we should all be looking for. We step through some resources and ways you can find additional support, including how your bank can help you.

Episode 1

Family finances

Episode 6

We share tips on how to better manage your money and provide the most for the people you love. 

Episode 1


Episode 7

Australia has a great super system, but it wasn’t designed for women. We cover the basics about super, including who receives it, how much they receive and how often, and why it’s important.

Episode 1


Episode 8

Investing is not only for wealthy people, anyone can do it. What’s more, women have a great mindset for investing. 

Betsy Westcott

Better Money Management

Join financial coach Betsy Westcott in our Health Professionals Bank ‘Better Money Management’ webinar series where she talks about information, tools and tips you need to boost your financial wellbeing and work towards the life goals that matter most to you.

Watch webinars

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